MAIKLING PELIKULA | Sina Igme at Gani | Jhayle Meer

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Sina Igme at Gani
Jhayle Meer

SINA IGME AT GANI moves towards remembering and projecting childhood in film. It comes close to the world of Igme and Gani where things are quiet, colorful, and simple. Even pain is static, pulled in by their feelings of isolation, but gently eased away by their friendship. The conflict of the narrative arises when the system of oppression threatens their world that is each other.

JHAYLE MEER is an independent filmmaker hailing from the UP Film Institute College of Mass Communication. Currently, she works part-time as a cinematographer for small productions, juggles it with producing tasks in her own company, as well as assists in experimental installations. Consequently, she is taking up her Master’s degree in Creative Writing at the UP College of Arts and Letters. In the future, she hopes to take up a Phd or MFA in Film or Writing, and practice her art in a more serious level. She is also motivated to help her family, and make them proud of her achievements.

Jhayle grew up in a simple household in Manila, Philippines. She is the middle child among three daughters. Most of her student works demonstrate the female experience as well as feelings of loss.

MAIKLING PELIKULA is a program featuring outstanding and award-winning short films. Likewise to be featured will be a discussion and annotation by the director-filmmaker. The program will highlight the experimental and narrative genres of film.


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