Creativity and Innovation in R&D Organization
Segment II: Who is a Creative Person?
Dr. Rogelio V. Cuyno
Each of us has a natural gift or endowment of creativity. To create something is part of our nature. It is only a matter of degree. Some of us have more, others have less. It can also be learned through training and favorable environment. It can be found anywhere – at home, at the workplace, at play, or when just relaxing and enjoying the scenery.
Creativity occurs anytime. It cannot be dictated. However, there are conditions favoring its occurrence such as: existence of a challenge/problem/opportunity or threat, inspiration, a prepared mind, supportive, non-threatening surrounding, creative culture, informality, discussion, collegial interaction, less bureaucracy, availability of resources and facilities.
A creative person likes to explore, experiment, and discover new things. He is unsatisfied with the status quo, always challenging and questioning what exists, curious about the subject he is working on, always searching for the unusual, something different. His solution to problems is original, something no one has thought of before. He gets inspiration for new ideas from anything around him. He thinks “outside the box” unpredictably. He is motivated and desires to solve a problem which he finds rewarding.