- Effective Communication Skills | Ms. Joesan M. Ramos
- Digital Literacy: Discern, Simplify, Develop | Mr. Elmer H. Ferrer
- Digital Literacy (Module Lecture) | Mr. Richard Deo Fondevilla
- Responsible Use of Social Media | Dr. Lani H. Cervantes
- Responsible Use of Social Media | Mr. Alvin Sosmeña
- Responsible Use of Social Media | Ms. Catherine L. Yap-Yang
- Global Digital Citizenship | Dr. Cherry Mae L. Limbaco
- 5G as the Innovation Platform | Dr. Nurendra Timothy M. Senathirajah
- Global Digital Citizenship | Ms. Mary Luz Pelesco
- Cyber Security | Dr. Gregorio Cyrus R. Elejorde
- Cyber Security | Mr. Angel T. Redoble
- Cyber Security | Mr. Kim Faburada
- Introduction to Sustainable Development Goals | Dr. Roel F. Bermejo
- Introduction to Sustainable Development Goals | Ms. Jergen Aranas-Romulo
- Introduction to Sustainable Development Goals | Ms. Kristine L. Jimeno-Rivadelo
- Lifelong Learning | Dr. Rustica R. Lorenzo
- Lifelong Learning | Dr. Melinda dP. Bandalaria
Cyber Security | Mr. Angel T. Redoble
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