Due to the ongoing pandemic, the future of education arrived early for all of us. The once-futuristic visions of a university of the future escalated and shifted from trends and predictions to reality. The Forum on the Philippine Higher Education of the Future served as a virtual summit of the world’s leading advocates for sustainable and innovative education as well as notable leaders in the field of internationalization. The forum discussions on new perspectives in enhancing and bringing out our Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) potential attempted to provide a blueprint for a more sustainable and future-ready education system in the country. The sharings of resource persons encouraged and inspired the educators that the future of sustainable education is indeed achievable.
Held last June 25, 2021, via Zoom Webinar, Facebook, and Youtube Live, and UPOU Networks, the forum was participated by over 1,000 individuals representing the different HEIs all over the country and some parts of Asia. The forum is part of the collaborative project between UP Open University and the Commission on Higher Education entitled “Towards Quality Higher Education through Internationalization and Technology-enhanced Teaching and Learning Strategies”.