UP TALKS | Science Process and Generation of Scientific Knowledge

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UP TALKS | Science Process and Generation of Scientific Knowledge
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Dr. Luis Rey Velasco

Dr. Luis Rey I. Velasco is a Professor of Entomology at the College of Agriculture and Food Science, UP Los Baños. He is an agriculture graduate from UP Los Banos focusing in the field of entomology, the field in which he did graduate studies in Australia. He served as Dean and later as Chancellor of UP Los Baños spanning a period of more than 10 years of administration experience.

Despite being an administrator, Dr. Velasco finds time to do research and mentor students in his area of interest and expertise, which is ecology and pest management. His contributions in this field has been in the 1) generation of basic biological and ecological information, 2) development of methodological techniques, and 3) analysis and evaluation of pest management programs.

To his credit, Dr. Velasco published more than 40 scientific articles in ISI and non-ISI refereed journals and has presented over 60 papers in scientific gatherings. He is recipient of the UP Scientist Award, UPLB Centennial Fellow Award, DOST Gawad Leader Award, NAST Dioscoro L. Umali Medal for Outstanding Science Administrator, LB Uichanco Outstanding Entomologist, and Outstanding Alumnus Awards given by the UPLBCAAA, UPAA and Phil-Australia Alumni Association.


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