MAIKLING PELIKULA | And A Hundred Roses Bloomed | Mr. Jan Andrei Cobey

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And A Hundred Roses Bloomed
Jan Andrei Cobey

Jan Andrei Cobey is a 22-year old film student and graphic artist from Manila.

The world’s longest communist revolution in the Philippines has been fought for decades and have polarized people from all walks of life: the workers, the elite, the students, the people from the middle class, the artists. The director, being a ‘young struggling artist’ himself, decided to explore upon this topic in light of the recent supposed peace talks between the Philippine government and the revolutionaries.

Inspired by the tumultuous times of the 60s and 70s, the director aimed to integrate elements from the time into the film AND A HUNDRED ROSES BLOOMED: the waves of influence generated by the rock movement of the 60s, references to subversive Filipino movies, the modern art movements that the CIA used to suppress communism.

MAIKLING PELIKULA is a program featuring outstanding and award-winning short films. Likewise to be featured will be a discussion and annotation by the director-filmmaker. The program will highlight the experimental and narrative genres of film.


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