In his discussion, Dr. Angelo Vermeulen introduces the topic, post-planetary design. DR. Angelo Vermeulen is a co-founder of Space Ecologies, Art and Designs (SEADS). Post-planetary design focuses on humankind’s transition to the future; with experimentation and theoretical reflection, SEADS worked on several projects for the past two years. Vermeulen briefly tells each project’s function and purpose, such as Biomodd. Additionally, he lists preceding projects that aimed for almost the same end product but failed. With that in mind, Vermuelen ends by saying, “…designing for a future where people live not just on the surface of Earth, something that is happening already; which brought us to the question of if we engage in thinking about post-planetary design, how capable are we and can we change— how to breakthrough the paradigms that we run around with and it brings us to the topic of future’s literacy.”
Post-Planetary Design: Reimagining Paradigms of the Future | Dr. Angelo Vermeulen
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