Recommended Citation: Serrano, J.V., Cañas-Llamas, A.M.E.F., Belegal, J.A.C., Bandalaria, M.d.P., & Almodiel, M.C. (2020). Towards openness, inclusivity, excellence, and quality (M.d.P., Bandalaria, M.F., Lumanta, & P.G. Garcia, Eds.). University of the Philippines Open University.
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Towards Openness, Inclusivity, Excellence, and Quality
Anna Ma. Elizabeth Cañas-Llamas, aProf. Myra Almodiel, Dr. Joane V. Serrano, Dr. Melinda dP. Bandalaria, Dr. Melinda F. Lumanta, Dr. Primo G. Garcia, end-of-term, excellence, excellence in education, inclusivity, Janele Ann Belega, odel, Open Education, Openness, QA, quality, quality assurance, upou strategic plan