Coaching and Feedback | Dr. Joane V. Serrano

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  • Leonora Sibayan

    Thank you, Dr. Serrano. Coaching and feedback are very important in learning most especially in distance learning. This video reminds me that I’m not here to teach only but to coach and push my learners to meet their goals. And to do this, I need to give feedback for them to know if they are doing it right. Embrace the changes that will help the learners to do their job independently to enhance their knowledge and skills.

  • marygracebagtas

    Salute !thank you for interesting topics learn a lot about learners support. helping student to stands independently and develop their knowledge and skills

  • Ma. Teresa C. Liwanag

    Coaching and feedback are needed to maximize learning in the classroom, much more in a distance learning set-up. Most especially now that online distance learning is possibly needed due to the effect of the pandemic, every teacher should have this mindset. Every teacher should learn to embrace the idea that he is also a coach to his learners, helping them to learn independently and not to rely much on teacher’s inputs. Every teacher, indeed must guide every learner to maximize their full potentials and prepare them for the next level success.

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