Developing a Learning Mindset Through Self-Learning Inventory | Dr. Joane V. Serrano

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Developing a Learning Mindset Through Self-Learning Inventory | Dr. Joane V. Serrano
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Developing a Learning Mindset Through Self-Learning Inventory | Dr. Joane V. Serrano
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  • Leonido Toledo

    To our speaker, Dr. Joanne Serrano, thank
    ou so much for reminding me at once that i have a past that is actually a part of me, I have learned from that past and that the learning is not just as simple as I could recall or I could look back into like regrets and memories. My learning from the past, in what ever way, either academically, spiritually, emotionally, etc. had served as my knowledge, became my refferences and in many instances became my point of comparison. These learnings are growing, developing and evolving according to my daily experiences and learnings in many differrent parcels of my life. Unconsciously, learning mindset has eventually developed and synced-in with my personality and this learning mindset also boosts my academic stamina to be wanting to learn more in everything about life and experiences and showcases the built-in learner support in me. Again, Dr. Joanne, big thanks.


    Worksheet 1. Learning Inventory

    Milestone in Life 15 years and below 16 to 29 years old 30 – 45 years old 45 – 60 years old
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    Family Online game Online class Movies movies
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    Work Online game Online class Movies Movies
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