Coaching and Feedback | Dr. Joane V. Serrano

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  • Leonido Toledo Jr

    For this video, I ralize how important coaching and feedback in the learning process and experience of a learner in Distance Education. These are both skills that learners should continuously enhance and develop for its maximum usage in an independently learning process in a program or course in ODEL. developing and refining previous skills usage would lead to a more successful outcome or in the output delvery of learning goals being set. Also, by using these skills in their maximum could lead to learners identifications of the road blocks along with the learning experience. It is important to identify the components of these two skills as well as other skills that the learners could use in the process of learning like communication, collaboration, presentation skills, the ability to problem solving and for developing a critical thinking that the learners coud take advantages even before the start, in the learning process and after finishing the course, upon reaching the learning goals and professional goals in the chosen career for future life.


    Thank you so much, Dr. Serrano! I learned a lot from your discussion. I will definitely apply what I learned to improve my skills in coaching and giving of feedback.

  • Emily Jarme

    Thank you, so much Dr. Serrano. Coaching learners may be tough at certain times, but fulfilling when they achieve the learning objectives. Feedbacking , on the other hand, can really aid in improving the learning and learning process.

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