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ODeL (Open and Distance eLearning)
ODeL (Open and Distance eLearning)
OPEN Talk on ODeL Teaching Innovations Episode 2 – Research Mentorship and Supervision in ODeL Programs
OPEN Talk on ODeL Teaching Innovations Episode 1 – Innovative Instructional Approaches in ODeL
Special Session 9: SDG and ODeL Resilience – Experience, Tool and Framework | Dr. Ricardo Bagarinao
Special Session 9: SDG and ODeL Resilience – Experience, Tool and Framework | Dr. Jabez Joshua Flores
Special Session 9: SDG and ODeL Resilience – Experience, Tool and Framework | Asst. Prof. Anton Domini Sta. Cruz
Special Session 6: Immersive Technologies – Immersive Learning Initiatives in Higher Education | Prof. Eric Hawkinson
Special Session 5: Cultivating Sustainable Blended and Open Learning in the Philippines – The Blended, Open, and Online Learning Ecosystem in the Philippines | Dr. Patricia Arinto
Special Session 6: Immersive Technologies – Teacher Stories from the 2D Metaverse: Fostering Collaborative Skills in Distance Learning Settings | Dr. Mehrasa Alizadeh and Mr. Nicholas Wilson
Special Session 6: Immersive Technologies – Education in the Metaverse | Ms. Ravneet Kaur
Special Session 5: Cultivating Sustainable Blended and Open Learning in the Philippines – Institutional Experiences in Blended and Online Learning: Challenges and Ways Forward | Dr. Alfredo Fabay
Special Session 5: Cultivating Sustainable Blended and Open Learning in the Philippines – Building Institutional Capacity in Blended, Online, and Open Learning | Asst. Prof. Ana Katrina Marcial
Special Session 5: Cultivating Sustainable Blended and Open Learning in the Philippines – MSU-IIT Experience: Doing Blended Learning, Challenges and Ways Forward | Dr. Amelia Buan
Special Session 4: Microcredentials – Securing Employment through Micro-credentials in the BPO-ITBPM Industry: A Contact Center Services Perspective | Mr. Alnard Alejandro Pagulayan
Special Session 4: Microcredentials – Microcredentials from a Higher Education’s Perspective | Mrs. Chiara Finocchietti
Special Session 3: Student Colloquium – Managing Quality, Accessibility, and Cost Effectiveness: A Case Analysis of an Educational Institution Transitioning to Flexible Learning | Mr. Mark Nickhole Bernandino
Special Session 3: Student Colloquium – Utilization of Learning Management System in the Delivery of Physical Education Courses | Mr. Raven A. Mendoza
Special Session 3: Student Colloquium – Classroom Environment in a Flipped Classroom | Asst. Prof. Aprhodite Macale
Special Session 3: Student Colloquium – Cyber Safety Among Online Learners | Ms. Debora Sampaga
Special Session 3: Student Colloquium – Development of an E-Learning Module in Reading and Writing | Mr. Jim Paul Belgado
Special Session 3: Student Colloquium – Wearable Futures Hackathon – A hybrid, interdisciplinary learning experience | Mr. Lucky Angelo Vengua
Special Session 3: Student Colloquium – Study Guide and Metacognitive Mediation: Enhancing Students’ Learning in Modular Distance Learning | Mr. Eliezer Toledo
Opening of NCODEL 2022 | Dr. Melinda dela Peña Bandalaria
Special Session 2: Cyber Security – Co-Creating Digital Resilience | Mr. Jan Jacob Glenn Jansalin
Special Session 2: Cyber Security – Digital Education: The Cyberrisks of the Online Classroom | Asst. Prof. Paula Esplanada-Mayol
Special Session 1: Quality Assurance in ODeL – Benchmarking Framework and Data Set for Online, Open, Smart, and Technology-Enhanced Higher Education | Dr. Primo G. Garcia
Special Session 1: Quality Assurance in ODeL – Asian Association of Open Universities Quality Assurance-based Accreditation System for Technology-enhanced and Technology-mediated Higher Education in the Age of Technological Disruptions | Dr. Grace Javier Alfonso
Pre-Conference Workshop 2: Designing a Course Using MOOCs as OERs | Dr. Melinda dP. Bandalaria and Asst. Prof. Luisa A. Gelisan
Pre-Conference Workshop 1 – Designing for Flexibility, Agility and Sustainability: Integrating Technology to the F2F Teaching and Learning | Dr. Melinda dP. Bandalaria
Plenary Session 3: Micro-Credentials Policies | Dr. Borhene Chakroun
Plenary Session 2: Roadmapping for Transitioning to Flexible Modes of Education | Dr. Maria Cynthia Rose Banzon Bautista
Plenary Session 1: Promoting Inclusion in Education | Dr. Ethel Agnes Pascua-Valenzuela
Keynote Address | J. Prospero De Vera III
Quality Assurance for e-Learning Institutions | Dr. Mansoor Al Awar
Gender Considerations in e-Learning
Using New Technologies for Inclusive Education | Prof. Don Passey
Artificial Intelligence – Challenges and Future Directions in Online Education | Ms. Torunn Gjelsvik
Emerging Trends in Education | Dr. Melinda dP. Bandalaria
eLeadership/eClassroom Management | Dr. Melinda dP. Bandalaria
Quality Assurance in the Flexible Learning Mode of Instruction | Dr. Maria Rowena Del Rosario-Raymundo
Course Delivery | Dr. Consuelo dL. Habito
Assessment in Flexible Learning Mode | Asst. Prof. Mari Anjeli L. Crisanto
Developing the Teacher Training Curriculum | Dr. Melinda dP. Bandalaria
Module Writing / Course Material Development | Dr. Joane V. Serrano
Designing your Course: The Backward Design Process | Asst. Prof. Ana Katrina T. Marcial
Flexible Learning: An Overview | Dr. Melinda dP. Bandalaria
Training of Teachers on Flexible Learning – Orientation Session
OPEN Talk: Remote Learning para sa SPED at Katutubo, Paano nga ba?
Mainstream Online and Blended Learning in Higher Education through Supportive Ecosystems: Our Shared Responsibility to Build Back Better | Dr. Libing Wang
OPEN Talk – My Classroom in my Monitor: Challenges and Lessons Gained Under the Alternative Learning System
Introduction to Sustainable Development Goals | Ms. Kristine L. Jimeno-Rivadelo
Introduction to Sustainable Development Goals | Ms. Jergen Aranas-Romulo
Global Digital Citizenship | Ms. Mary Luz Pelesco
5G as the Innovation Platform | Dr. Nurendra Timothy M. Senathirajah
Global Digital Citizenship | Dr. Cherry Mae L. Limbaco
Responsible Use of Social Media | Ms. Catherine L. Yap-Yang
Responsible Use of Social Media | Mr. Alvin Sosmeña
Responsible Use of Social Media | Dr. Lani H. Cervantes
Digital Literacy (Module Lecture) | Mr. Richard Deo Fondevilla
Digital Literacy: Discern, Simplify, Develop | Mr. Elmer H. Ferrer
Digital Literacy: Using Technology for Education | Dr. Servillo A. Arzaga
Effective Communication Skills | Ms. Joesan M. Ramos
Effective Communication Skills | Dr. Nympha D. Guemo
21st Century Competencies | Mr. Jose Richard Lachica
21st Century Competencies | Mr. Feliciano C. Buenafe, Jr.
OPEN Talk: Part 2 – Para-paraan yan! – Para sa Pagturo ng Pagbasa, Paraan ng Pagtugon sa Pandemya, Keri Yan!
Online Collaboration Tools | Mr. Ivan Brian L. Inductivo
OPEN Talk – My Classroom in my Monitor: Challenges and Lessons Gained
Online Collaboration Tools | Ms. Myra C. Almodiel
Digital Productivity Tools | Ms. Myra C. Almodiel
Teaching Presence in Philippine K-12 Blended Learning Classes under the Alternative Delivery Mode | Dr. Juliet Aleta R. Villanueva
OPEN Talk Episode 4: Para-Paraan Yan! – Para sa Pagturo ng Pagbasa, Paraan ng Pagtugon sa Pandemya, Keri Yan!
Nursing Faculty Members and Students Amidst Pandemic: The Sulu Context | Dr. Charisma S. Ututalum
UP College of Nursing: Shifting to Flexible Learning Mode | Asst. Prof. Arnold B. Peralta, MHPEd, MA, RN
Transition from Face-to-Face to Online Learning: A Personal Experience | Prof. Fritz Gerald Jabonete, RN, MAN
UPOU-CHED Webinar Series 2021 #1: Internationalization and Transnational Education
OPEN Talk Episode 2: Open Education Practice
OPEN Talk: Creating a Culture of Openness in Education
Home Science Laboratory | Prof. Emmanuel Florido
Internationalization at the Course and Program Level | Dr. Melinda dP. Bandalaria
MOOCs 101: The What; Why’s and How | Dr. Melinda dP. Bandalaria
Designing and Implementing Training Programs Using Open Educational Resources | Dr. Melinda dP. Bandalaria
Revisiting QA (Quality Assurance) Frameworks in Teaching and Learning Under the New Normal | Dr. Melinda dP. Bandalaria
Pillars of QA (Quality Assurance) Framework in Flexible Teaching and Learning | Dr. Melinda dP. Bandalaria
Developing, Using, and Sharing Open Educational Resources | Dr. Melinda dP. Bandalaria
Building Learning Communities in Flexible Learning | Asst. Prof. Juvy Lizette Gervacio
Teacher’s Roles in Flexible Learning/Learner Support | Dr. Joane V. Serrano
Ensuring the Integrity of the Assessment Process in Flexible Learning | Asst. Prof. Ana Katrina Marcial
Teaching/Online Presence in Flexible Learning | Dr. Melinda dP. Bandalaria
Keeping the Learners Engaged and Motivated in the Flexible Learning | Dr. Consuelo Habito
Keeping the Learners Engaged and Motivated | Dr. Melinda dP. Bandalaria
Facilitating Assessment | Dr. Melinda dP. Bandalaria
Digital Tools and Technologies for Flexible Learning | Dr. Ria Mae H. Borromeo
Synchronous and Asynchronous Sessions | Dr. Joane V. Serrano
Preparing for Course Delivery | Dr. Melinda dP. Bandalaria
The Course Package: Designing Learning for Flexible Instruction | Dr. Melinda dP. Bandalaria
The Course Package: The Study Guide | Dr. Joane V. Serrano
Infoteach: Assessment | Ms. Ana Katrina T. Marcial
Engaging Your Learners Online | Dr. Melinda dP. Bandalaria
Preparing to be an Online Learner | Dr. Melinda dP. Bandalaria
Supporting Online Learners | Dr. Joane V. Serrano
Gearing up for the New Normal in Education with the LGU: Some Best Practices | Mayor Richard I. Gomez, Mayor Oscar S. Moreno, & Mayor Antolin A. Oreta III
Preparing Your Course for Online Delivery | Dr. Melinda dP. Bandalaria
Supporting the Online Learners | Dr. Melinda dP. Bandalaria
The Course Package: The Course Guide | Dr. Joane V. Serrano
Learner Support Services Under Different Modes of Instructional Delivery | Dr. Melinda dP. Bandalaria
Different Modes of Instruction | Dr. Melinda dP. Bandalaria
The Flexible Teaching and Learning Model: Revisiting the Mode of Instructional Delivery | Dr. Melinda dP. Bandalaria
Open and Distance e-Learning in Philippine Public Administration/Governance Education: Practices and Lessons | Prof. Antonius Umali and Asst. Prof. Jerome Dumlao
Realities, Reflections, and Reimaging of Public/Governance in the Philippines | Asst. Prof. Juvy Lizette M. Gervacio
Apprehensions in Online Teaching | Dr. Augusto Rodriguez
Practical Tips and Strategies for Online Tutoring, Support, and Assessment | Prof. Tricia C. Ascan
Opportunities to Meet/Engage Students Beyond UPOU | Asst. Prof. Merlyne Paunlagui
Facilitating Learning in the Era of Physical Distancing | Asst. Prof. Juvy Lizette M. Gervacio
The Practice of Open and Distance e-Learning and its Quality Assurance System in Universitas Terbuka Indonesia | Dr. Aminudin Zuhairi
Microplatform Development for Distance Learning | Mr. Pieter Steyaert
The UPOU Makerspace | Mr. Pieter Steyaert
Demo on How to Use Kolibri: An Offline Server | Asst. Prof. Roel Cantada
Accessing Moodlebox via Mobile App Using a Mobile Device | Asst. Prof. Roel Cantada
The Moodlebox | Asst. Prof. Roel Cantada
Disruption Tolerant Networking, Community Mesh Networks, & Digital Stewardship | Asst. Prof. Roel Cantada
Offline Version of an Online Class | Dr. Ria Mae Borromeo
Offline Access to an Online Class | Dr. Ria Mae Borromeo
Offline Learning: An Introduction | Dr. Ria Mae Borromeo
Online/Flexible Learning – Definitions and Theories
Edu-Hack: Offline Technologies for Remote Teaching and Learning
Redesigning Public Administration and Governance Education in the Era of the New Normal | Asst. Prof. Juvy Lizette Gervacio
Online Instruction Delivery Plan | Atty. Arlene Cosape
eLearning | Dr. Al Orolfo
Internationalization and Research Collaboration Among Open Universities
NCODeL 2019 Closing Message: Moving Forward | Dr. Melinda dP Bandalaria
Shifts in Pedagogies, Organization Structures, and Assessment
NCODEL 2019 Pre-Conference Message: Unpacking the University of the Future | Dr. Melinda dP. Bandalaria
International Accreditation System for Quality Assurance of Technology-Mediated and Technology-Enhanced Education in Times of Openness in the Digital Age | Dr. Grace Javier Alfonso
Technologies for Enhancing Equity and Quality in Technology-Enhanced Learning | Dr. Carlos Delgado Kloos and Dr. Zahid Majeed
Equity Dimensions in Quality Assurance in Higher Education in the Digital Times | Dr. Grace Javier Alfonso
Access, Inclusivity, and Equity in Technology-Enhanced Learning | Dr. Narayanan Kulathu Ramaiyer
Strategic Planning Considerations in Remote Teaching and Learning | Dr. Primo G. Garcia
Remote Teaching and Learning as Institutional Strategy | Dr. Primo G. Garcia
Strategic Planning in Open and Distance eLearning | Dr. Primo G. Garcia
Technology Enhanced Learning System | Dr. Primo G. Garcia
Geospatial Model for Distance Education | Kamran Mir
Edu-Hack: Networks and Connectivity
How are Philippine Universities Responding to Disruptions in Education Brought About by COVID-19 Pandemic?
Online Assessment Platform | Creating an Exam
Online Assessment Platform
Online Assessment Platform | Student’s Manual
Assessment of Learning at the Course Level: Assessment Tool Options and Grading Assignments | Asst. Prof. Ana Katrina Marcial
Technical Support Requirements of Online Learners | Mr. Lexter Mangubat
Designing Technology-Supported Learning in the time of COVID-19 | Dr. Patricia B. Arinto
Student Engagement: A Look at Some Practices | Dr. Jean A. Saludadez
Quality Assurance in Online Learning | Asst. Prof. Maria Rowena Del Rosario-Raymundo
UPOU Webinar on How to Convert your Courses Online | Part 2
Lecture Demo on Google Hangouts Meet | Dr. Ria Mae Borromeo
General Features of a Learning Management System | Asst. Prof. Myra Almodiel, presented by Dr. Ria Mae Borromeo
Platform for Work From Home Setup | Asst. Prof. Mari Anjeli Lubrica Crisanto
Basic Synchronous Online Lectures: Tools and Tips | Dr. Joane V. Serrano, presented by Dr. Ria Mae Borromeo
Learner Support in Online Teaching and Learning | Dr. Melinda dP. Bandalaria
Using Open Educational Resources in Online Teaching | Dr. Primo G. Garcia
Converting Your Teaching Materials to Online Instruction | Dr. Primo G. Garcia
Quick Guide to Google Classroom | Dr. Ria Mae Borromeo
Study Skills | Dr. Joane V. Serrano
Developing a Learning Mindset Through Self-Learning Inventory | Dr. Joane V. Serrano
Managing a Moodle Course: Guide for Teachers | Ms. Myra C. Almodiel
Learning Management System (LMS) | Ms. Myra C. Almodiel
Collaborating Tools for Teaching in Open and Distance eLearning | Ms. Myra C. Almodiel
Coaching and Feedback | Dr. Joane V. Serrano
Basics of Learner Support | Dr. Joane V. Serrano
Promoting Interactivity: Designing Scaffolds and Learning Activity | Dr. Primo G. Garcia
Designing Discussion Forum | Dr Primo G. Garcia
Open Learning, Distance Education, and e-Learning: Some Basic Concepts on Flexible Modes of Teaching and Learning | Dr. Primo G. Garcia
The Open Learning, Distance Education, and e-Learning System: An Introduction | Dr. Primo G. Garcia
Quality in Open University | Dr. Alexander G. Flor
Alternative Assessment Models: Remedies to eLearning’s Dark Side | Dr. Alexander G. Flor
Assessment for Online Learning | Dr. Melinda F. Lumanta
Inclusive Practices with Technologies for Online Teaching and Learning | Dr. Don Passey
Online Communities of Practice | Dr. Melinda Bandalaria
Non-Digital and Traditional Utilization of Information and Communication Technology Tools | Prof. Ninia Calaca
Managing Technology for Inclusive Education | Dr. Primo G. Garcia
Digital Learning Resources and Open Educational Resources | Prof. Primo G. Garcia
eTeaching, eLearning, and eResearch | Dr. Grace Javier Alfonso
Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Tools for Collaboration and Online Teaching | Ms. Lilian S. Reventar
Existing and Emerging Technology in Teaching and Learning | Prof. Linglingay McDermott
Evaluating Resources for Online and Distance e-Learning
Responsible Use of Technology Tools and Online Resources | Atty. Rowena S. Disini
Principles in the Use of ICT | Prof. Brenda B. Corpuz
Generations of Distance Education: The UPOU Perspective
From OER to OEP for Quality Education for All | Patricia B. Arinto, EdD
Open Education: The Philippine Initiatives (MOOCs and OERs)
Open Education: Country Cases
Towards Understanding, Conceptualizing and Measuring Openness in Education
Researching ODeL: Some Theoretical and Empirical Explorations
Navigating Through the Dark Side of ODeL
Collaborative Learning | Dr. Primo G. Garcia
Using Open Education Resources (OER) in and for Education
OER in UPOU | Sheila Bonito & Carmelita Orias
Netizens and the Netiquette | Dr. Melinda dP. Bandalaria
Teaching, Learning, Research and Extension Through ICT in the Digital Era | Dr. Grace Javier Alfonso
Flexibility | Dr. Melinda dP. Bandalaria
21st Century Literacy Skills | Dr. Jerome Buenviaje
Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in Education: an Open and Distance eLearning (ODeL) Practioner’s Perspective | Prof. Roberto Figueroa, Jr.
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